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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Emergency Supply Kit Checklist

7/27/2015 (Permalink)

Emergency Supply Kit

As you remember from our article on "How to Prepare for a Disaster" having a properly stocked Emergency Supply Kit is an essential element to being prepared for a disaster. So many people have been asking us, in social media and through other channels what else should be included in their emergency supply kit, so here is a checklist.


One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation.


At least a three day supply of non-perishable food (protein bars, peanut butter, canned foods, baby food, etc.).

Disposable Eatware

Paper plates, plastic or paper cups and plastic utensils.

Manual Can Opener

Battery Operated Radio

Ideally a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and don't forget extra batteries.


Again, don't forget the extra batteries.

First Aid Kit

This should be complete with prescription and over the counter medicines, bandages and gauze, antiseptics, a needle and thread, etc.


You may need this to signal for help. 


This includes sheets, blankets and pillows. 


Include light and heavy clothing and plan for inclemental weather. Often it is the weather that causes emergencies.

Dust Masks

In case you need to filter contaminated air (bandannas may also work).

Sealed Area Kit

This includes Plastic sheetings, garbage bags and duct tape in case you should need to seal off an area due to airborn contamination.

Hand Tools

Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities if warranted or requested.

Local Maps

If you live outside of a city a compass is a good inclusion as well.

Baby Supplies

Infant formula and diapers if you have a little one.

Pet Supplies

This should include food and water, leash or pet carrier.

Personal Hygiene Items

Such as toilet paper, soap, and feminine hygiene products.

Important Family Documents

This should include things such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account information and home inventory analysis in a waterproof bag or plastic container.


Fire Extinguisher


Make sure to keep them in a waterproof container.


Books, games, puzzles, cards, or other activities for children and adults to pass the time.

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